Instant Orthodontics in Dallas, TX: Get the Same-Day Smiles You’ve Always Dreamed Of!

Instant Orthodontics in Dallas, TX Invisalign Bent Tree Dental

Get a Beautiful Smile the Same Day with Instant Orthodontics!

If you are ready to say goodbye to your severely decayed and damaged teeth, Dr. Miller is ready to help with the latest techniques in advanced instant orthodontics. Although we make every effort to save your teeth with filings, root canals, and crowns, some teeth are beyond repair and may even negatively affect your health. Before dental implants can be placed in your mouth, you will need to have teeth that are beyond repair extracted to make room for implants. In cases where your teeth are still in good health, the damaged teeth can be extracted and the healthy ones left intact. Those damaged teeth are then replaced with new teeth – all in one visit!Instant Orthodontics Get the Same-Day Smiles You've Always Dreamed Of!

What is a Same-Day Smile?

A same-day smile allows you to have your teeth extracted and the implant placed immediately into the socket where the tooth was extracted from. The procedure allows you to undergo two procedures at once to limit the time in between appointments. Instead of waiting for your jawbone to heal after the extractions, you can have the implants placed right away. You will also leave our office with new teeth!

Dental Implant Procedure

When you come in for your dental implant procedure, the team at Bent Tree Dental will take necessary X-rays to determine the condition of your teeth. Once we know how many teeth you need to have extracted, the process can begin. First, we will make sure you are as comfortable and relaxed as possible with anesthesia and, if needed, sedation dentistry. The type of sedation you receive will depend on how many teeth you need to have removed, how many implants you are receiving, and your level of dental anxiety.

​Once you are comfortably numb and sedated, Dr. Miller will begin by carefully extracting your teeth. Since you are having the implants done the same day, the titanium posts will be inserted into the jawbone as soon as the teeth are extracted. Once the procedure is over, we will give you a new set of teeth in the same visit so that you can eat, talk, and smile as your jaw heals over the next 3 months. Any embarrassment from your missing teeth and any frustrations from not being able to speak or eat properly will stop at our office door!

​Dr. Miller will determine if you are a good candidate for the procedure prior to beginning any dental work. If he decides that you are not a good candidate, Dr. Miller may recommend another tooth replacement option, such as dentures or bridges. He may also be able to perform procedures to restore your bone so that you are able to receive permanent implants. No matter how bad you think your situation is, we have solutions to give you a smile you’ll be proud of!

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