What Should I Do If I Have Bleeding Gums?
Do your gums bleed when you brush your teeth? This could be a sign of gum disease. Watch this video by Dr. Rick Miller, an experienced Dallas dentist, as he explains treatment options for sensitive, bleeding gum tissue.
People ask what they should do when they have bleeding gums? Well, that’s something where you need a professional. So come to us. We’ll do a free consultation and we’ll have our hygienist help you, because that kind of work, you know, you’ll need a professional cleaning or possibly some help with our dental laser. So come see us.
If your gums are bleeding when you brush, it’s important to consult with a dentist as soon as possible. At Bent Tree Dental, we are a no-judgment zone. Your oral health is important, and we aren’t here to embarrass or judge you. You deserve to get proper gum disease treatment.
Preventing gum disease is much easier than treating severe symptoms. Stay on top of your gum health and book a consultation with Bent Tree Dental today!