What are Some Symptoms of Gum Disease?
Are you concerned you may have gum disease but don’t know what signs or symptoms to look for? Watch this video by Dr. Rick Miller, an experienced Dallas dentist, as he explains signs to be aware of which could indicate gum disease.
I’m asked oftentimes about the signs and symptoms of gum disease. Gum disease is kind of silent and sneaky. There aren’t lots of things that are apparent to people with an untrained eye. But oftentimes one of the first signs is that when a person bites down on something firm, like a piece of steak, it’s a little sore. That means your teeth are slightly getting loose.
Another sign of gum disease would be bleeding gums, bad breath, or it’s when you lose the papilla, the little V of gum tissue. It goes down, and then you have a little space.
So if you notice some daylight there, that’s a sign that you are experiencing bone loss even though you don’t feel pain. So come visit us. We’ll do some imaging, put it on the flat screen, and then you and I can sort things out. So please come for free consultation.
At Bent Tree Dental, we are a no-judgment zone. Your oral health is important, and we aren’t here to embarrass or judge you. You deserve to get proper gum disease treatment.
Preventing gum disease is much easier than treating severe symptoms. Stay on top of your gum health and book a consultation with Bent Tree Dental today!