Should I Get a Cleaning Before or After Teeth Whitening?
Are you interested in teeth whitening but have questions about whether you should get a professional cleaning prior to treatment? Watch this video by Dr. Rick Miller, an experienced Dallas dentist, as he explains preparing teeth for teeth whitening treatment.
Patients ask if they should have a cleaning before or after teeth whitening. And I would say you want the cleaning first. And the analogy is, if you’re going to wax your car, you got to wash it first and then wax it.
So the rule is get your teeth cleaned and then let’s do the whitening. So we don’t want to whiten over the dirt. So come in, we’ll clean your teeth, get you started on some whitening, and you’re going to have that great fresh smile that you always wanted.
Are you or someone you love interested in teeth whitening in Dallas? Contact Bent Tree Dental today to find out about our teeth whitening options and arrange a consultation with Dr. Rick Miller.